For the hundreds and thousands of miles you drove to come to the wedding.

For the hotel rooms you rented and tents you pitched in my parents’ yard to have a safe stay in Saginaw after the reception.

For the gifts and the cards and the hugs and the kisses.

For the blessings and  high fives, the “You looks so perfect together!” and the “Congratulations!”

For enjoying the open bar and the cupcakes with equal enthusiasm.

For breaking a sweat on the dance floor and catching up with old friends at the dining tables.

Thanks for making our day special. We could not have asked for a more perfect celebration and we really, really mean that. We left the party last night feeling like a couple of very blessed kids with an unbelievable group of family and friends who are like family. So thanks for giving us an incredible amount of joy. We’re thankful for each and every one of you.

Taken by the always swanky and half-shirtless Jason Chiou, the guy with the megaphone